International Data Transfers – What Employment Lawyers Need to Know
Floor 3: Affiliation 2 & 3

schedule 4:15 - 5:30pm

This session will not be repeated

Employment lawyers, both in-house and in private practice, can no longer ignore privacy issues. They cut across the management of employees in all sorts of ways and mistakes can result in heavy regulatory penalties. Our panel will discuss some commonly occurring privacy issues that employment lawyers need to have on their radar. We will be looking at:

  • The transfer of employee data from UK employers to their overseas parent companies: what is meant by transferring HR data? The new forms of Data Transfer Agreement now in use in the UK and the EU. How the EU:US Data Protection Framework works and how UK companies can take advantage of it. Alternatives to Data Transfer Agreements
  • Employee Data in overseas investigations and court proceedings: what to do when overseas courts and administrative agencies order the disclosure documents containing the personal data of UK or EU employees? What privacy issues arise? Can the court or agency insist on disclosure?
  • Monitoring of employee communications (Time permitting)
    Is it lawful for employers to monitor their employees’ email and internet usage? What precautions come into play? When are employers likely to be fined?


James Castro-Edwards
Arnold & Porter
Valentina De Giorgis
Telus International
Annabel Gilham
Morrison & Foerster LLP
Frederic Milcamps
Aramis Société d’Avocats